Account contacts are different than account users. Contacts don't have access to your account. To allow access to your online account, set up an account user.
Every ViewMedica account has a primary user who has complete access to all features of our service and receives all billing and service update emails. But we understand that you may have other team members who handle billing or technical support and need to stay informed.
You can easily add additional contacts to receive these important emails. This ensures that everyone on your team is up-to-date and in the loop.
Only the primary user can add, edit or remove account contacts.
Add a contact
From your Dashboard, click "My Profile" under "Account Settings".
Click the "Add New Contact" button under the "Contact" section.
Choose a contact type from the dropdown.
Fill out the contact's information.
Click "Save."
Edit a contact
To edit a contact's information, click the "Edit" button to the right of the contact block.
Delete a contact
To remove a contact, click the minus icon (β) to the right of the contact block.