As of January 2025, we will no longer be developing the plugin. Please see our preferred iFrame embed method.
The plugin helps embed the ViewMedica On-Demand player into your WordPress site. Watch the short video below to get started using the plugin and learn about some of the plugin’s helpful features.
Install the plugin
Log in to the administrator backend of your WordPress site.
Go to the WordPress Plugins area of your site.
Search for and install "ViewMedica".
Activate the plugin.
Go into "Settings" and click "ViewMedica."
Input your ViewMedica Client ID and click "Set Client ID".
From the ViewMedica plugin settings page, you can:
Set global options
Access the On-Demand page generator
Generate shortcodes
Convenient Editor Option
Activating the plugin will add a new “On-Demand” button if you use the Classic Editor and the original “Edit Post” screen. This button helps create and insert shortcodes without leaving the page or post.
You can manually insert the shortcodes generated from the ViewMedica settings page. Or, copy and paste [viewmedica]
for the main player.
The ViewMedica plugin does not work with some WordPress page builders. Use our preferred iFrame embed method.